Michelle Otalvaro

Michelle Otalvaro



What do I do at Counseling & Psychological Services?

I get the privilege to be the first person someone sees when they walk-in to CAPS by greeting, welcoming, and directing them appropriately. I notify counselors of visitor arrivals and making sure paperwork is up to date. I update calendars and make sure there are no scheduling conflicts; while also doing administrative tasks, including maintaining the reception area, greeting guests, answering multi-line phone systems, and assisting through the initial intake process.

What is it like to work with me?

A positive work environment is important to me, so I love assisting and helping in any way that I can make others feel that environment. Even if it by making someone a coffee or scanning/printing something for others. I love being a worker that is reliable for any type of task!

What do I do outside of Counseling & Psychological Services?

Outside of work hours I am a full-time student that is probably in the library getting homework done or procrastinating… Although, when I do not have schoolwork, I love hosting my friends for dinner and a movie with cookies! I also love spending time with Joey and Honey Mae our schnauzer mixed poodle (a Schnoodleee).


PHONE: (434) 582-2651

FAX: (434) 582-3904


Green Hall Room 1830

Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.*
*Closed every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.